Truman Library and Museum Research Room

Scholar's Award

Grants of $30,000 are made to established post-doctoral scholars engaged in work on some aspect of the life and career of Harry S. Truman or of the public and foreign policy issues which were prominent during the Truman years. The award is intended to free a senior scholar from teaching or other employment for a substantial period of time. The awarding of the Scholar’s Award is contingent upon the receipt of underwriting support and of strong proposals from applicants.

If, in the opinion of the Institute’s Committee on Research, Scholarship and Education, the quality of available applications does not justify the making of an award in any given year, none will be made. When possible, the Institute intends to award a Scholar’s Award every other year, in even-numbered years. The Scholar’s Award will be payable in two $15,000 installments, July and January.

Acceptance of the award constitutes a commitment to:

  1. Provide the Institute with a copy of the book and/or other published work written or substantially prepared during the grant period.
  2. A statement of about 1,500 words which describes the awardee’s thesis and its place in the historiography of the Truman era, and the contribution toward its development made by research conducted at the Truman Library. The awardee would give the Institute the right to publish the statement if it chooses to do so.



An applicant’s work should be based in part on extensive research at the Truman Library and be intended to result in the publication of a book-length manuscript. An individual may receive a Scholar’s Award only once.

Application Process & Deadlines

Phase One

  • Completed Scholar’s Award application
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Project description and status, not to exceed six double-spaced pages in length with 12-point font, which explains the project’s significance within the larger historiographical context
  • One-page bibliography
  • Two letters of reference from persons familiar with the applicant’s scholarly work; letters may be mailed or emailed directly to the Grants Administrator by the referring individual.

NOTE: The two letters of recommendation must arrive by the December 15 deadline.

Phase Two

Applicants selected to advance to the second phase of the awarding process will be contacted by February 15 and asked to submit the following:

  • A description of Truman Library materials that an applicant has already examined and those that he or she intends to examine
  • A projected timeline for project completion

Applicants will be notified of the Committee’s final decision in writing by March 31.


Scholar’s Award Application (fillable PDF)


Lisa Sullivan
Grants Administrator
Truman Library Institute
5151 Troost Avenue, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64110

Phone | 816.400.1216
Fax | 816.400.1213
Email |