Presidential Proclamation | March 1, 2016
Proclamation 2718: “I Am An American Day”
March 1, 1947
Whereas the rise of the United States of America to a place of eminence among nations in less than two centuries has been greatly enhanced by the migration to its shores of pioneering, freedom-loving peoples; and

From the Archives | February 10, 2016
PICTURING HISTORY: February 10, 1945
Harry S. Truman had been Vice President of the United States for only a few weeks when he showed up on February 10, 1945, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. He had agreed to take part in a show for some 800 servicemen. For his part of the show, Truman sat down at an upright piano to demonstrate his talent at the keyboard.

TRU HISTORY | February 9, 2016
Kefauver Defeats Truman
Every four years, presidential hopefuls and political pollsters travel to New Hampshire for the first-in-the-nation presidential primary. In January 1952, however, Harry Truman was not campaigning for another term as president. So how did he come in second in New Hampshire’s Democratic primary?

This Day In History | February 1, 2016
On February 1, 1865, President Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery. Eighty-four years later, President Truman signed a bill declaring February 1 National Freedom Day.

FROM THE ARCHIVES | January 22, 2016
This Day in History: January 22, 1946
President Truman Creates the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intelligence Group: The Documents
Today’s post was written by Dr. Greg Bradsher, Senior Archivist at The National Archives in College Park, for The National Archives Text Message Blog.

A Look at Truman’s Influence on the Conclusion of World War II | January 15, 2016
World War II has become a core aspect of both United States and World History. It is a subject that returns to our minds and hearts annually as lessons from the Holocaust, knowledge of the atomic bomb, and world relations post-war circle back into our news-stream and moral consciousness.

PASSAGES | January 11, 2016
Former senior advisor to President Truman dies at 97
We were saddened to learn that one of two surviving members of President Truman’s inner circle passed at the turning of the year. Military adviser to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, George Elsey last visited the Truman Library in 2007. We asked: “If Harry Truman walked through his Library today, what do you think he’d be most proud of?”

MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS | January 8, 2016
12 Amazing WWII Artifacts in the Truman Collection
Rarely Viewed documents, photos and objects headed back to the Truman vault
Till We Meet Again, the Truman Library’s exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, closed this week, but we won’t soon forget the stories behind these 12 rarely-exhibited items from the Truman collection.
Hanukkah at The White House | December 7, 2015
From the Archives
Hanukkah at The White House
Among the gifts from heads of state that are in the holdings of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum is a menorah presented to President Truman by Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion. The menorah dates back to at least 1767, when it was donated to a synagogue in Buergel, Germany.

Giving Thanks in 1945 | November 25, 2015
A Word from Harry
Presidential Proclamation 2673 – Thanksgiving Day, 1945
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
In this year of our victory, absolute and final, over German fascism and Japanese militarism; in this time of peace so long awaited, which we are determined with all the United Nations to make permanent; on this day of our abundance, strength, and achievement; let us give thanks to Almighty Providence for these exceeding blessings.